Wednesday, November 29

what it do?

Hey all,

sorry for the lack of updates - hella college ish going down.

It's good. "Gold Lion" hauls.

Some of you have been asking about Girl Talk. Basically I have had to put everything on hold until the Student Council decides what band they think is best -- this meeting is set to happen in the next few weeks. Tommy Goodwin usually throws some names out.

please, TALK to your class reps and spread the album to anyone who wants it. Ultimately, it seems that if there is overwhelming student support for it, we will be able to put up the money, and find a way to cover the gap.

Once again: Girl Talk - The Night Ripper


by the way: I just listened to the new Jay-Z. my recommendation: don't even think about it.

1 comment:

tobobo said...

if i like this album better than fever to tell, will god kill a kitten?